FWFM has successfully grown each year and it’s a direct reflection of the commitment by our vendors, volunteers and staff. It’s important for the FWFM to stand behind the vendors and help them along the way. To us, the market isn’t just about Saturday morning, it’s about building connections and providing opportunities to all of our vendors.
“This team is dedicated to one thing; the market. There isn’t layers of boards, there isn’t decision makers who are out of reach or out of touch to the patrons and vendors needs. This team is present at every market and supports this community by providing a viable market, we have one focus, one purpose. We have seen first hand the disconnect and powerlessness that vendors feel towards the hierarchy of upper management when they aren’t heard. ”
Our Indoor markets currently reside at Parkview Field off of Douglas Street every Saturday from October-May-Check our schedule for more details every Saturday from 9-1!
We take time to get to know you, your goals and appreciate your hard work.
We provide you space not just to sell to the community, but to engage, grow and learn from this community.
what sets FWFM apart from other area markets
We operate the only 52 week a year farmers market in the NE region of Indiana. Our year runs Oct to Oct, this allows us to follow easier the growing seasons.
Our market has been around for 10 years; we have a track record in the community for excellence. This is a market where vendors know they're going to sell out.
On a positive note, customers are drawn to bigger markets for more variety and one-stop shopping (and vendors benefit from selling all of their products through one large market).
FWFM offers year round vendors discounts and 5 easy budget friendly payments.
Year round vendors do 1 application with no application fees. This allows them to plan their schedule, their product schedule and also permits them to do a projected budget for the year.
Bonus: If you are not able to be at an indoor market Saturday and give us a weeks notice then we will give you $15 back in market bucks if we can fill your spot.
FWFM has negotiated with the national ServSafe organization for vendors to receive tests at discounted rates.
We insure that the market we build is not only customer friendly but also diverse in its product lines. We achieve this by limiting vendors in each category.
There is paid staff that continually work together for the best possible experience for the customer and vendor.
We encourage our vendors to join the Facebook FWFM Vendor page. This page is for the vendors to communicate to each other, for us to give quick updates or to open discussions. We also share information on classes, grants and other things happening in town that will affect the market.
Get Monthly updates on our FWFM vendor page on how the website & google is performing, what is popular to better learn about your customers. We also try to recognize our vendors that are bringing attention to the website or farm market.
We support all organizations that continue to move the ag industry forward.
We are here to help you prepare your business to succeed
Barr Street located in Downtown Fort Wayne
Work with first time applicants, to walk them through several processes to make sure they are personally and professionally ready.
Guide each small business and the local Board of Health to assist the vendors are product ready; Packaging, Label and verbiage are key to a successful experience.
Offer the most in depth information gathered in one place for businesses to learn to proper market themselves to consumers and laws that cover their specific product. Such as labeling, Insurance, Requirements, etc. Read more here
Walk you through different rules and regulations to help you, as a vendor gain a better understanding of the FDA, USDA, IRS and any other state or local agency their business jurisdiction falls under.
Locate commercial kitchens that suit their business needs.
Point vendors in the direction to obtain more exposure and to be given more opportunities and exposure across the state.
Notify you of grants to further production with our agricultural partners, Purdue and ISDA as we learn of them.
Communicate class/seminars being given by our partners in the community to assist in your growth.
We allow you to set pricing for your products, you know your product and the value it offers.
We try to work with your schedule and what is best for the market and the community. If you need to miss, we have a list of guest vendors that fill in when we have openings. This system has worked for us and allows the market to always offer interesting vendors.
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We are always looking for opportunities for your business to gain visibility in the community.
We are seen as a resource for local promoters and event organizers. They contact us and we work with them to qualify the event, fine tune the information before we post it on the FWFM vendor group page.
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How to use Instagram
website and Marketing Tools
Each vendor has their own web page on our website to help gain exposure. The vendor’s page offers a chance to show a picture(s) and description of your business. Has all the phone numbers, social media and website listed with links. We place at the bottom of the vendors webpage a direct email link, this means the customer has a direct link to your business without further searching on their part.
Once your page is built we do a social media blast to introduce you to our community.
Vendors products will be listed on the Product Directory to better guide your customers, along with a link to your webpage on our site if you are a year-round vendor.
Show your Badge - see below for a extensive explanation.
We visit every farm, take pictures and promote them on social media. The collection is then provided to the involved vendor for them to use at no extra charge.
FWFM will assist vendors in building Facebook pages, offer guidance with Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites.
We try to provide google analytic stats on our customers and how it relates to each vendor to better serve them in developing their customer base.
FWFM is looking to offer classes & guidance on social media/marketing.
30 FWFM Banners, highlight our market throughout downtown
Is key to the success of our market we try to utilize all avenues to reach our patrons. We are continuing to explore all options.
We are partnering with Visit Fort Wayne to implement “FW Savings Pass” for our vendors. Every person that comes to a Fort Wayne conferences or sporting events will get a list of our vendors that offer specials.
Visit Fort Wayne will be promoting digitally a “FW Savings Pass” marketing piece to all of hotels that will push Fort Wayne guest and visitors to the website so they can see the specials.
See it here https://explore.visitfortwayne.com/checkout/420/visit-fort-wayne/2004/fort-wayne-savings-pass
Anytime that Visit Fort Wayne sets up an information table at events, we also include the full size flyer that lists each deal.
Look for our sidewalk decals throughout the city
3” Waterproof stickers to be given to patrons of the market
50 - Year round sidewalk decals that will be strategically placed for repeated visual impressions around Fort Wayne and the FW trails located throughout the city. The trails offer the public a way to visit key areas of FW with limited contact with street traffic. Targeting these individuals with that enjoying moving about the city and exploring.
Partnering with several local organizations
Newspaper advertising
Google target advertising
Social Media targeted advertising and interesting subject post.
Listing our market on 2 dozen various calendars and another 2 dozen websites.
Run regular promotions on Facebook & Instagram promotions, we have increased our Likes & Followers to 25,000 just on Facebook. For only being in operation since 2012 this is astounding for any small business. We engage, which means your small business is engaged.
“Please understand it is our role to promote the market, it is up to each individual business to promote their business. We partner with our vendors and try to assist as much as we can for your growth and success.”
How we evaluate the applying vendors for each market season:
Years they have vended with us
Product Uniqueness
Attractive Display
Active and Positive Social Media
Active Internet Presence
Years in Business
Positive Attitude
Recommended by other vendors
Not in this order
Still reading, sounds like you want to join us. Please fill out our application
Carrot Cash is money that can be used at any booth.
We sell them to local businesses
Use them in promotions
If you don’t take charge cards, you don’t need to worry about missing a sale, we will sell them to patrons to use at your booth.
All vendors will be paid via direct deposit or we will issue a check once you have joined the market.