I consider it a privilege to be able to offer my handmade items to the public, I have been doing this as a hobby since I retired about 9 years ago. I try to offer a SPECIAL GIFT for that SPECIAL PERSON. You’ll find items using deer antlers (“sheds”) when I can find them, corncobs from my bird feeder, varieties of wood that grows locally and imported. We offer pencils, fountain pens, rollerball pens and ballpoint pens. I have a large selection of bullet cartridge pens made from 50 cal. and 30.06 cal. shells. To round out my selection you may find that unique item you’ve been searching for, such as: bottle stoppers, seam rippers, letter openers, toothpick holders and salt and pepper shakers.
Stop by and say HI, like making new friends.
Meet Dave
I turn everything I make on my wood lathe. I use all different kinds of woods, some I purchase from a far and some I find locally in the woods around me.I use burl woods which I have to purchase from different suppliers. Also buy different exotic woods from all over the world. I use a lot of spalted woods, mainly ash and maple that I find locally. I use deer antlers that I find here there and every where. The corn cobs I use come from my bird feeder by way of the corn fields around where I live. I pick up after the combine goes thru and I find what they miss. What little acrylic I use is purchased. I make ball point pens, pencils, and letter openers plus other odds and ends. I do some turnings such as salt and peppers and bottle stoppers.
Rollerball pens, for that lefty in your life.
Fountain Pens
Letter openers
Lead Pencils
Wood Turnings
Bottle Stoppers
Salt and Pepper Shakers