McComBees Apiaries

My objective is to provide local, natural, and sustainable honey products while also raising bees in an ethical manner. To that end, I only sell honey, nucs, and queens that are produced in my Northeast Indiana apiaries.

I spend a lot of time in the apiaries (beeyards), monitoring progress, managing growth, and addressing potential issues. Hands-on experience and a Purdue University agriculture degree let me put the most effective management methods into practice to keep my bees healthy and thriving.

I produce high-quality, natural, raw honey products at a reasonable price. The honey is sourced entirely from my bees. Every effort is made to keep the honey in its natural state. As a result, the honey is as close to being unfiltered and raw as is practical.

My goal is to provide excellent customer service. To make your transaction with McComBees Apiaries as simple and convenient as possible, I offer several payment and delivery options. I enjoy meeting and conversing with customers, and I welcome your questions about beekeeping and my products. Beekeeping is my passion, and I appreciate your support.

Vendor Type: Food/Natural

Market Schedule: Every Saturday and guest vendor for Wednesdays

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